Some of Our Services

Our specialty services assist you in daily life by providing advanced features and functionalities that you can use from any device. View a small showcase of some of our top tools and services.

  • Icon nep recipes
    Recipe Extension
    Access and save your favorite recipes directly from your browser toolbar for quick and easy recipe searches.
  • User Manuals
    Manual Extension
    Save time and increase efficiency with our manual extension, designed to streamline your browsing experience.
  • Fax Falcon
    Fax Falcon
    Did you know you can send a fax from in just three clicks? No more need to go to the shipping store, just do it with Fax Falcon.
  • AI Answers Extension
    AI Extension
    Experience the power of AI with our AI extension, designed to enhance your browsing with intelligent features.
  • Maps Extension
    Maps Extension
    Navigate the real world with ease using our Maps extension, providing accurate and up-to-date map data.
  • (1)
    File Converter
    Convert files effortlessly with our File Converter extension, supporting a wide range of file formats including PDFs.